Sunday, February 24, 2013


Weightlessly they float
Amidst a melting orbit kiss.
In their unfrozen breathing
Nature grows increasingly;
Nurtured in their eyes.
Two distant spheres
Tethered to the void;
Her light revealing
In the serenading darkness,
That shadows move in the night.
His spirit twists
In atmospheres
Of interstellar clouds.
One promised caress awaits;
The falling of the stars.
Locked in secluded consummation
Of energy and light;
Their parched arms long for quenching.
Sleeplessly they gaze;
His eternal stare painted
In her steadfast reflection;
Heavenward reaches art.
Undying they love;
What’s endlessly out of reach.

Probably my favourite thing Nick has written EVER in his whole entire history of writing. Nick Perritt you are incredible and I'm so glad we're cuzzies and I love you forever. I'd actually be wandering very far into the deepest fog of lost if it weren't for you.

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