Sunday, November 3, 2013


had a four hour sleep, woke up at 9pm, have work at 6am, don't know what to do

started my mission papers officially today, meaning I am in the system up and running, and it's all up to me now--getting them filled out. Nick leaves in one month today. Not coping very well. I don't really think anyone except the two of us can grasp how much we mean to each other--if that isn't true love I don't know what is. Just cause we're cousins doesn't mean we're just like chums and's so full and always honest and easy and is everything I could ever want or dream of with someone. I can't wait for us to find people who we aren't related to who we can feel like this about.

^so weird--but so good

going to finish writing this dumb song so I can send it someone who is really important to me (hate da feels)

listen to this and have a cry because beautiful bela bartok

can't be stuffed typing the thing

and also this good one, not quite bartok but I'm sure he would have dug it just as much?

Cry to Me-Solomon Burke

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